Jan 29, 2010

Clearance ShooShoos!!

Shoo Shoos has a great selection of clearanced soft-soled shoes right now. Normally $19.95, many are only $7.95! Shipping appears to be about $2.50 for 1 or 2 items for First Class.

There are also toddler shoes for $17.95, down from $29.95

Keep scrolling down to find clearance items. Not much left for larger sizes, but still lots for smaller feet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore ShooShoos. I now have my second child on the way and I plan to put him in ShooShoos too; just like I did with my first. I first saw them on Designer Ark and instantly fell in love with the collection. These clearance sales are hard to refuse too! :)
