Jan 29, 2010

Walmart, Great Place for Whole Wheat Flour?!

I have switched to using Whole Wheat pastry flour in just about everything I make.
I am always on the search for a quality flour--but at a good price.

This is a YMMV situation, but the Walmart I visit carries a product called:

Wheat Montana, Bronze Chief 100% Whole Wheat Flour

The packaging makes claims of Chemical Free, GMO Free, nothing added...

It is not labeled as pastry flour, but it is of finer ground than the wheat pastry flour I was buying in bulk.

It usually sells for less than $5 for a 5-lb bag (about $4.85?). However, last time I bought some, I decided to stock up and buy 2 bags. It rang up at $3.32 for a 5-lb bag!!!! Fantastic price for great flour.

So keep yours eyes open. You might ask if your store can start carrying it if they currently don't.


Unknown said...

Wheat Montana is what I buy. It is better than USDA organic, because the USDA didn't taint it ;-)
Bronze Cheif is their hard red wheat, so it isn't a pastry flour. It is a high-protien one that is great for yeast breads. Pastry flours come from "soft" wheat, and you can't use them to make bread because they don't have enough protein to feed the yeast. Soft wheat makes ultra-fluffy whole-wheat muffins, pancakes, etc!

Stephanie said...

I would really like to try their Prairie Gold wheat flour. Their website says this, "Prairie Gold® Premium Flour - 50 lb. Bag $24.02
Literally thousands of bakers have told us that they wouldn’t use anything else. This flour, ground from our Prairie Gold® wheat, will delight you, your family and your customers in every way. It’s so versatile it can be substituted for white flour in some recipes, giving your baked goods unique flavor, plus all of the benefits of whole wheat. 100% whole-wheat flour. Chemical Free. GMO Free."
I need to call and find out if anyone has a 50 lb bag of it or Bronze Chief anywhere around me.
