Jan 29, 2010

Annie's Monthly Secret Code--January

Did you request a free calendar from Annie's Homegrown? The offer was made several months ago. I just received my calendar in the mail.

On each month of the calendar is a secret code. This can be used each month at Annie's website to unlock "special content and suprises".

If you didn't get the calendar, then don't worry! You can download a .pdf version HERE.

Just go HERE to enter your secret code.

January's code is: Bernie0110 (you can guess the code for the next 11 months, wink!)

This month, the surprise is a giveaway for a year's supply of cereal or a set of cereal bowls.

In a few days, we can find out what Feb. brings!

BTW, Go HERE to print a $.50/1 coupon for anyone Annie's product.
Is it just me? I can't stand the e-centive coupons! I can remember if I printed them, and then it wastes my ink and paper printing that I exceeded my limit. Why can't it just tell me that without printing?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...it's not just you, I can't stand those q's either! waste, waste
