Aug 24, 2010

SG,LG Now on Facebook!!

I have set up a Facebook page for Save Green, Live Green.  You can "Like" it by clicking the button on the right.  I may double-post for a little bit to see how conducive it is.  If all goes smoothly, I may begin using only Facebook.  I think this might make things a little easier for me, at least at this point in life!  =)   What do you think of the idea?


Tammy said...

Great idea imho.

Amber said...

I've gotten out of the habit of checking Facebook every day (seems like such a potential time-waster sometimes). But when I did check it every day (or multiple times a day), it would have made it easier to keep up with your posts. As it is, I just check your blog as I remember, which usually ends up being about once a day.
