Jul 7, 2009

Roll Call

So, I am still getting a lot of you stopping by. Say Hi once in awhile!
I am debating on going on hiatus. I spend time finding my deals, it may be too much to
continue passing them on. But I love to share!
Maybe it will depend on if there are deals worth sharing.


cathy said...

Love your blog, but I can understand that it might be a LOT to keep up with. I hope you don't give it up entirely.....you need to take a break when you're feeling overwhelmed!!

Regina Bennett said...

You could just reduce the amount of time you spend on entries...just adding links to other sites is helpful for me at least. I like the local deal alerts, but since you pointed out the site that matches Walgreens coupons, I can go there to get that particular info.

Regina Bennett said...

Actually, I really like the online deal alerts. On another note: Every week I make up a list of the best prices on groceries (ad matching) and I had a couple of people who were interested in getting a copy (it's mainly produce, and meats) so I was thinking of finding out if you wanted to post it on your blog (since we all already read the blog anyway :-)

Jessica said...

I don't stop by every day, but I do check frequently as I find your blog helps me to find good deals and match ups for local grocery stores. I just need the inspiration to keep up with everything and coming here really helps! So thank you for all you do!
