Mar 27, 2009

More on Coupons

What do you do with your coupons once you find them?

There are lots of ways to keep up with your coupons. My current method is to just keep the inserts all together. I then write the date they came out on the front page and file them in folders inside a binder. I usually take my entire binder with me when I shop. If I see a coupon I know I want to use I usually clip it and keep it in a coupon organizer. That is also where I keep my printed coupons and loose coupons. That is organized by category.

When looking for a coupon for a certain product, there are some helpful Coupon Databases that allow you to search by name. These all use codes to tell you what insert a coupon came in.

BTW, you can go HERE to see what coupons will be in the 3/29 paper. There will be two inserts, SS & RP.

There are 4 main types of inserts:
Smartsource (SS)
P & G
Red Plum/Vlassis (RP) or (V)
General Mills (GM)

So, the database might say look for the coupon in SS 3-15-09, meaning it was in the SmartSource that came in the paper on 3/15/09. Remember, not all coupon inserts are equal. They print them for specific papers--some getting more than others.

My favorite coupon databases:

A Full Cup

Hot Coupon World

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