May 14, 2009

Sunday Inserts 5/13

There will be 2 SmartSource and 1 RedPlum
Here is a list of what we may find. (I think the KC Star receives coupons similar to Pittsburgh)


heather said...

I have to start all over with my couponing. I lost my organizer. I think this sort of thing happens when one tries to coupon and shop with three kids.

Anonymous said...

Yay. I'll be checking these out. Where in Springfield do you find the KC Star?


Stephanie said...

Heather-- That's a bummer!! Kids are a major distraction!

Katie-- I think they have them at Kum-n-Go, QT, etc. I have bought them at Price Cutter, too. Oh, and Barnes & Noble (so probably Borders, also?) carries it.
